Upcycling has never looked this good

The change you’ve been waiting for. Upcycling never looked so good.

From Beyond
Leather to Leap®

When we started to look for inspiration in nature, we found an opportunity in apple waste to offer a solution to two problems – reducing food waste while creating a sustainable leather alternative.

We believe that products should either be re-used, or slip back into nature. We love a challenge and making the impossible possible keeps us going. It is one of our core values to communicate transparent and open about our product and processes. When you buy a product made with Leap®, you will clearly see how high the content of natural content is (84%) and where we need to improve.

We at Beyond Leather are making a difference one apple at a time.

Leap® – leather from leftover apples

The name says it all. Leap® is made from leftover apples. We wanted it to serve as a reminder that not every apple goes to waste.

But Leap® is more than that. It’s a beautiful change that creates a better way forward. We work with Danish juice and cider producers to upcycle the industries waste and to create a sustainable leather alternative. Leap® is the belief that the impossible is possible and there is beauty to be found in waste.

The Leap®
way to collaborate

We make Leap® by building on the strengths that others cannot see.

What we see is the future, made of food waste. And our partners are companies and craftsmen who also believe in a future that uses waste for good. With a little bit extra, we’ll get Leap® to the finish line together. The future of leather is plant-based.

If you want to contribute to making waste beautiful and push Leap® forward, then reach out to us via hello@beyondleather.dk

Explore Leap®

Discover how Leap® is made and how it’s changing the leather industry.

Learn more

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